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ReLearning Gratitude as a Single Mom

“There is so much more to you than living to fix what’s wrong with you!” I read that yesterday on a friend‘s Instagram. I added the exclamation point because I felt that!

Gratitude is so healing. It switches the focus of what we assume to be wrong with usto thankfulness, appreciation and grace.

The Weight of Burnout:

As a single mom, life can often feel like a series of endless tasks—managing the household, working, homeschooling, and trying to be present for my daughters, Chloe and Alexandria. There are days when I feel like I’m running on empty, just trying to keep everything together. The pressure to fix what’s wrong—whether it’s a financial strain, a challenging day at work, or the emotional toll of single parenting—can be overwhelming.

A few weeks ago, I hit a wall. I was exhausted, frustrated, and feeling like I wasn’t doing enough. The demands of being mom, along with the weight of trying to provide and care for them, left me feeling burned out. It was one of those days where everything seemed to go wrong—the car wouldn’t start, Chloe had a tough day at school, and I had alot of work waiting for me at home. I found myself spiraling into negative thoughts, focusing on all the things I couldn’t fix.

The Shift to Gratitude:

That evening, after the girls were in bed, I sat down in the quiet of the house and allowed myself to feel the weight of the day. At that moment, I remembered something my grandmother used to say: “Count your blessings, even when they seem few.”

I decided to take a few minutes to do just that. I started small—thanking God for the roof over our heads, the food on our table, and the fact that we made it through another day. As I continued, I began to feel a shift in my spirit. I thanked God for Chloe’s resilience, for Alexandria’s infectious laughter, and for the love of my little family.

That night I read this, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

This verse reminded me that even in the midst of my struggles, I could choose gratitude. I could shift my focus from what’s wrong to what’s right, and in doing so, find peace.

Affirming Gratitude in Everyday Moments:

As I continued to affirm my gratitude, I realized that it wasn’t about denying the challenges I faced but about reframing them. I began to see the blessings hidden within the difficulties—the way Chloe hugged me a little tighter after her tough day, the laughter Alexandria brought to the dinner table even when I was feeling drained, and the moments of quiet where I could gather my thoughts and breathe.

Gratitude didn’t change my circumstances overnight, but it changed me. It gave me a new perspective, a way to see God’s hand in every situation. It reminded me that I am not alone, that God is with me in every moment, providing the strength I need to carry on.

The Transformative Effects of Gratitude

Affirming gratitude is more than just a practice; it’s a transformative experience. As I embraced this practice more consistently, I noticed several changes in my life:

1. Shift in Focus:

2. Increased Resilience

3. Strengthened Relationships

Make Gratitude a Regular Part of Your Life

  1. Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal where you regularly write down things you’re grateful for. Reflecting on these entries can provide encouragement and remind you of God’s blessings.

  2. Prayer of Thanks: Embrace the power of starting and ending your day with a heart overflowing with gratitude in prayer. Take a moment to reflect on the abundance of blessings surrounding you and express your deepest gratitude to the God.

  3. Gratitude Sharing: Infuse your daily routines with the warmth of gratitude and watch as your family bonds grow stronger. Embrace the beauty of shared reflections during meals, where love and appreciation flow freely

Being a single mom is challenging, and burnout is real. But in those moments of exhaustion and overwhelm, affirming gratitude can be a powerful tool. It shifts our focus from what’s wrong to what’s right, from scarcity to abundance, and from fear to faith. As I continue this journey, I’m learning to practice gratitude daily, to count my blessings even when they seem small, and to trust that God is working in all things for my good.

As you navigate your own challenges, I encourage you to find moments of gratitude, no matter how small. Embrace the blessings amidst the chaos and remember that, even in the midst of life’s most demanding seasons, God’s grace and goodness are ever-present. Gratitude isn’t just a feeling—it’s a way of seeing the world through the lens of God’s love and provision.


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