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A Letter To My Younger Self.

Dear Gentle Reader,

Everything in me wanted to start this letter off apologizing for not protecting you.  But as I’m unearthing the layers and strata of my life I realize that we can no longer carry this burden of fault.

To unearth something can be harrowing.  And I know you feel scared and vulnerable and ashamed and alone and tired and unloved and confused and naked and exposed and I know that the fear you feel is because you felt those same exact things when you were being violated.

I know that there are parts of this that you are afraid to face but in the unearthing of truth, we have the beautiful opportunity to build again, with much clarity.  So, with intention I dig into the parts of us we’ve kept hidden for so long because I was afraid to give words to the damaged parts of me.

You are not defined by what happened to you. Your worth is not diminished by the actions of others. You are beautiful, full of potential, deserving of every good thing God has instore for you. The trauma you endured is a chapter in your story, but it is not the whole story. You are so much more than the pain.

In the process of unearthing, we find truth. We find the strength we never knew we had. We find the love that we have always deserved. We find the clarity to see ourselves not as victims, but as survivors, as warriors, as thrivers.

I want you to know that I see you. I see your bravery, your resilience, your strength. I see the moments you fought to survive when giving up seemed easier. I see the quiet tears you shed, the silent screams you swallowed, and the dreams you held onto despite the nightmare you were living.

To unearth something means to exhume, to unbury, to find something hidden or lost by digging.  I am unearthing all of this to come and get you!  Because you are worth it.

A Poem For You

And the people danced and princesses pranced. 

And the war waged on, and soon she was gone.

Then it became silent.

She emerged and she broke,

it happened and she spoke,

there came a voice that was filled with surety.

And as the shadows of the trees

danced on her floor

---she danced and she pranced silent no more.


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