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A Conversation On Healing

I sat in a therapy session at 11am on a beautiful spring day. As usual, I was nervous. I knew my therapist was about to ask me questions, it's not that I didn't know the answer to her questions. It's that the answers had silenced me for years. I didn't know if I could give words to the hidden things in my life. She asked. I looked down at my hands, deciding I'd try again next week.



  1. the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again; to restore to original purity or integrity.

The Bravest Journey

Healing is a journey, some immediate and some are a process. I find that we tend to be embarrassed about healing as if we all aren't healing from life itself. I don't know about you but I'm healing from the throws of life and its the bravest journey I've taken so far.

Healing, I've learned, is not a one-size-fits-all journey. For some, it comes quickly, like a sudden rain that refreshes a parched land. For others, it's a slow and steady process, much like the meticulous work of a gardener tending to a neglected garden. Both are valid, and both are beautiful in their own right.

The Cost of Silence

For many, the journey to healing begins in silence. We are taught to suppress our pain, to hide our scars, and to present a façade of strength. But this silence comes at a cost. Unaddressed trauma festers, manifesting in ways that impact our mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. The weight of our unspoken pain becomes a burden that we carry, often without realizing how deeply it affects us.

Shame, in particular, is a powerful silencer. It convinces us that our experiences make us unworthy or flawed, and that revealing our trauma will only confirm these negative beliefs. This internalized shame keeps us locked in a cycle of silence, preventing us from seeking the support and understanding we need to heal.

Silence and shame sat on me for years, afraid of putting words to the damaged parts of me.

After a couple more sessions of me staring at my hands trying to find words but nothing coming out, my therapist told me to start with writing letters. I sat at my computer that night and I begin to write. It began to pour out, little by little I was able to talk about it in session.

Breaking this silence is the first, and often the most challenging, step towards healing. It requires us to confront our deepest fears and vulnerabilities, to acknowledge the parts of ourselves that we have kept hidden. It is an act of bravery that sets the stage for true transformation.

Joy in the Journey

As I have walked this path of healing, I have found a profound sense of joy. It is a joy that comes not from the absence of pain, but from the presence of God’s love and grace in the midst of it. It is the joy of knowing that I am not alone, that my pain has a purpose, and that I am being shaped and molded into the person God has created me to be.

James 1:2-4 encourages us to “consider it pure joy...whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” This joy is a testament to the transformative power of God’s love.

The Paradox of Healing and Blooming

At first glance, healing and blooming might seem like contradictory processes. Healing is often associated with pain, vulnerability, and a focus on repairing what has been broken. Blooming, on the other hand, evokes images of beauty, vibrancy, and flourishing. Yet, it is precisely through the process of healing that we create the conditions necessary for blooming.

Healing is not a destination but a continuous journey. It is a journey that requires faith, courage, and a willingness to be vulnerable. It is a journey that is uniquely our own, yet one that we do not walk alone. God is with us every step of the way, guiding us, comforting us, and transforming us.

So, to all the late bloomers out there, know that your time to bloom is now. Embrace the journey, trust in God’s plan, and find joy in the healing process. You are not alone, and your story has the power to bring hope to others.



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