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I wrote this after my marriage of 17 years abruptly came to an end. Through the next year I began to create a space for myself. Not just a new home and a new career but a space within myself - - where I fully loved me. And as I began to cultivate that space I was able to gradually let go of the anger and the pain. Going Home, creating that loving space for yourself isn’t easy when you are hurting and I know some of you are but I encourage you to Go Home anyway! There is healing for you there! You are Loved.


"God didn't leave home, you did."

When I was about 13, I became obsessed with quiet, small spaces, spaces only big enough for me, my books, my journal, a couple of pillows and a candle or two if my Mom didn’t make a big deal.

I always felt so amazing in this space, so free, like I could be anything I wanted to be, I felt like I could be the many things I wanted to be for that matter! Fear of what, why and who didn’t exist in this space. I called it Going Home.

I continued my interest in small spaces into adulthood, every where I lived from the dorm to apartments, to my own home, I’ve somehow carved out a quiet, sacred place for myself. In fact I’m sitting in my quiet place right now. I'm very adament with my family about the importance of my quiet space...needless to say my kids are still learning, LOL!

Somewhere between 15 and 19 I realized that Going Home wasn't just a physical place nor is it a quaintly decorated space. I learned through a few bumpy roads that I am the sacred space and at any time, anywhere I can go home. Going Home is the ability to tap into the truest part of you, it’s being able to see who you REALLY are in any situation.

"Going Home is choosing to see all of the beauty that God has placed within you."

Somewhere between 32 and 35 I realized that Going Home is a life long journey. It's everyone's journey really if you think about:

1. To see ourselves as God see us.

2. To love ourselves through all of our mistakes and mishaps just as God does.

"Possessing that type of power is what moves mountains, changes narratives and dispels hate - - -heals brokenness from the inside out, it opens one's eyes to truly see beauty in everyone including themselves."

Embracing Grace

As we navigate this journey, it is crucial to embrace grace. Grace for our missteps, grace for our slow progress, and grace for the days when moving forward feels impossible. In Lamentations 3:22-23, we are reminded, "Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." This assurance allows us to approach each day with renewed hope and the understanding that every step, no matter how small, is significant.

Grace also allows us to appreciate the journey itself, not just the destination. It reminds us to celebrate our progress, to find joy in the present moment, and to acknowledge our strength and resilience. By embracing grace, we create a nurturing and supportive environment within ourselves, one that fosters growth and healing.

Some days I take 10 steps forward and then 5 steps backwards. The beauty of choosing to see -- is that I am still so thankful for the 5 steps I gained, choosing to see is soaking up the grace of a new day.

Home as a Place of Faith

Creating a Home within ourselves is intrinsically linked to our faith. Faith provides the foundation upon which this Home is built. It is the guiding light that leads us through the darkest valleys and the anchor that keeps us steady in the midst of life's storms.

Hebrews 11:1 tells us, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." This confidence and assurance are what allow us to build a Home that is unshakable.When you create a home within yourself, for yourself, you create a solidarity that NO ONE can take from you. When you create a Home within yourself - - you access an understanding of God that does not change based on the shifting and ups and downs of life. Creating this Home creates a level of faith in you that is unmoveable.

"You are my hiding place." Psalm 32



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